Intrusion Detection
Securing the premises of your building is a good first step and includes a range of equipment and technology that work together to alert you at the first sign of an attempted intrusion.
· Door contacts are used for all windows that can open and all entry doors.
· Glass break detectors use sound or vibration sensing to trigger an alarm.
· Motion detectors sense movement near points of entry.
· Outdoor surveillance cameras act as a deterrent.
The professionals at Reliable Fire & Security provide expert design, installation, and servicing of intrusion detection systems. We also help maximize the benefits of your systems by providing integration services for your card access, IP video, fire alarm, and other building systems to work more efficiently and effectively. This gives you the most benefit for your investment.
Call THE EXPERTS at 708.597.4600 to set up your Intrusion Detection consultation today!
“One Call Does It All!”™